Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Case of Stopped-Up-Writing-Brain

I haven't been doing a lot of writing lately, and I have plenty of excuses for not doing so: working late, needing to exercise/cook/clean/sleep, hanging out with family or having a stomach ache/tired eyes/migraine (which are totally valid, but I'm making a point here). What it all boils down to is my utter lack of focus on the story. I would like to say that I eat, sleep and breathe writing it, but that is just not the case. Real life happens, bills need to get paid, and the pup does need a walk. And I have come to terms with that being okay. 

On the other hand, when I do have time (usually on the weekends), I have a complete lack of focus. I think to myself, "Hey, now would be a good time to get a couple pages written, or maybe edit that last terrible bit I wrote." Eight times out of ten, I find something else to do. I mean, who can say no to this face ------------->

Lately, when I do sit down to write, I get "writer's block," which is a phrase I dislike. It sounds like a simple child's wooden toy that can be built with, creating imaginary places easily. Only it's not so simple to move past my block, but I have compiled a list of items that work for me.

  1. Reading anything - books, magazines, blogs, etc.
  2. Unplugging - Get away from the screens (television, computer, phone...). They are mind-numbing. Hours pass that could have been productive but fail to be because you are Pinterest-ing too long.
  3. Spending time with someone who can take your mind off of your story. 
  4. Crafting helps me to use the creative side of my brain and usually reignites the flame of a story that petered out. 
  5. Cooking, similar to crafting, takes me to my creative place. Usually after doing these, however, I tend to be too tired to write, but I get back to it soon after.
  6. Changing venues - coffee shops with big squishy chairs are my favorite haunts, as well as libraries, parks, and anywhere outside of my living room.
Please send any other ideas my way. I've got a bad case of "stopped-up-writing-brain."

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