Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Not Quarter-Life Crisis

It's terrifying, that moment that you recognize that time slips away like sand through your fingers. In the last couple months (honestly since my 25th birthday), I've been coming to grips with my adulthood. I don't want to call it a "quarter-life crisis" because I'm not in crisis. I'm actually happy and not questioning where I want to be. I have a mostly functioning vehicle, (rental) house, good job, great love, and wonderful friends and family.

Is my life different than where I pictured it at age 10, when I had just begun seeing the world for what it could be? 

Absolutely. I haven't written a bestseller teen fiction novel, don't have my dream mansion, nor did I become Amish (at least the kind portrayed in Lurlene McDaniel novels). But I'm okay.

While I understand that my generation has dreams, I don't understand the urgency of getting there. It seems like we are in such a rush and the world wants to rush us. Rush to graduate school; rush to get a job; rush to the alter, buy a house, have babies. Then what? Die. Not really, but you catch my drift. 

And no, I am absolutely not saying that my friends who are hitting these milestone moments are doing it wrong. Far from that! I am thrilled to celebrate each and every moment with them; I will be at every party, shower, move, and DIY or furniture building project they throw at me. What I am saying is, I'm 25 and I am no closer to knowing all of who I am as a person than I did when I was the little girl with the mullet in the first grade.

What I do know is I want to have what I have now. No, it's not perfect. Yes, I do still want my mansion, a bazillion dollars, and a movie deal based on my bestselling series. I'm just trying to do it right. So you wonder, how do I do it? Hence my plan for living in the now:
  1. Make plans but not deadlines. (Boyfriend isn't getting pressure from me for that ring, but I know it's in our plans. I haven't set a date on finishing a novel, but plans are in motion to do it.)
  2. Don't hurry through the moments. (With Boyfriend working some nights, I have been spending a lot of time getting to know what I like and don't like, and teaching myself things. I like to run, although I pretty much hate it while I am doing it. I like yoga and grilling. I like the feeling of sitting on the couch knowing you've earned it because you kicked ass that day. Like Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”)
  3. Be present. (When I am with my friends and family, I am going to make a conscious effort to put my phone away. I was just Pinterest-ing anyway. I dare you all to do the same.)
  4. Get active and make the memories count. (Who cares if the house is a little messy? Do you want to remember cleaning the house or taking an adventure? We are half-marathon training, soon-to-be kayaking, camping, create-our-own-adventurers... even on weeknights. I've spent too many nights or weekends sitting on my butt.)
  5.  Be happy right now. (Stop wanting for "life to start.")
That's it. It's not advice, just my internal mantras. Have I missed any?